Opening Doors in 2D and 3D (Video)

Opening Doors in 2D and 3D (Video)

The percentage that a door is open in Envisioneer is customizable. Select a door, right click to reveal the editing opportunities and select Properties. In the properties of the door you can edit both the percentage it is open in 2D and in 3D. Click OK to accept your...

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Mulled Window Units (Video)

Mulled Window Units (Video)

The standard window catalog in Envisioneer can be updated to include specific manufacturers and custom windows. To add a new window style, right click and select Add Element in the catalog panel. The specific properties we will focus on are how to make a mulled window...

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Walls with Multiple Finishes (Video)

Walls with Multiple Finishes (Video)

Your design incorporates multiple materials up the height of a wall, so how do you show all of the various materials on that wall in your Envisioneer model? Left click to select the wall and then right click and choose Properties. In the Properties page of that wall,...

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Quoins and Cornerboards (Video)

Quoins and Cornerboards (Video)

Cornerboards Video: https://youtu.be/8ns8VLw0Mcs Instructions from Video: Want to add further detail to a model by adding cornerboards or quoins to the corners? Select Insert>Detailing>Corner Details or select the Corner Details icon. In the default catalog,...

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Adding Solid Fill to a Wall (Video)

Adding Solid Fill to a Wall (Video)

Are you doing a presentation drawing and want to shade in the walls to a solid colour? Go to Settings-Program Settings-Building Aids. Check Enable Solid Fill and voila the walls will darken in. Some walls not darkened? Look at the Properties of that wall and under the...

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Remove Opening Trim (Video)

Remove Opening Trim (Video)

Along the same wall you have two openings and on one you want casing and on the other you don't. As a default the properties of the wall will put casing around both. Left click to select the opening that you want to remove the trim. Right click and select Properties....

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Wall Break (Video)

Wall Break (Video)

In one room you may have two different finishes along one length of wall. How do you give two finishes to one wall? You break it where the finish changes and then they become two independent walls that can have two different finishes. To break a wall, left click to...

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How to Draw a Brick Ledge (Video)

How to Draw a Brick Ledge (Video)

In Envisioneer the member command allows you to create a member any size shape and material so it is a very versatile tool that can be used for tiled backsplashes or a concrete curb for a brick ledge. watch...

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Convert Line (Video)

Convert Line (Video)

Have you sketched out a layout with lines and need a quick way to now make that a 3D object. Select the lines and then right click and select Convert To. Your options include convert to: walls, retaining walls, members, footings and edging. This is particularly...

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Drawing Walls using Cartesian Coordinates (Video)

Drawing Walls using Cartesian Coordinates (Video)

Do you want to insert walls for a bay window but are not sure of the length or angle of the wall, you only know the overall distance it protrudes from the house? While inserting the walls, look at the command line at the bottom of your screen, the left side of the...

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