Adding and Editing Ramps to your Model

You can choose from a multitude of preset ramp layouts as well as edit various layout properties such as length and slope. You can insert a staircase or ramp with a single mouse click. If you place the staircase near a wall, the staircase will automatically snap to...

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Cut Opening in the floor for Stairs

Video: https://youtu.be/ss1fZqK2jrg Step by Step Instructions: Once you have inserted a stair, you will want to cut the floor to accommodate the stair. In this video, we will look at the different types of floors and how to cut them. As a default, when you create a...

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Structural Floors

Video: https://youtu.be/AvalTGPpUPI Instructions from Video: A structural floor is a system of framing members that are inserted at the same time. Select Insert>Structural Floor>Structural Floor by Perimeter Although the structural floor is considered a single...

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Video: https://youtu.be/T3AgmPvQ2Hg Instructions from Video: There are multiple ways of inserting a ceiling; By Picking Points, By Room or By Perimeter but did you know you can also adjust the type of ceiling? After the ceiling has been inserted you can adjust the...

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Automatic Floors (Video)

Automatic Floors (Video)

Automatically as you create a room in Envisioneer a floor will be inserted. This floor will span from wall to wall of that room and its purpose is to represent finish floor materials in each of the rooms. If you do not want automatic floors, go to Settings-Program...

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Inserting Stairs (Video)

Inserting Stairs (Video)

Stairs Video: https://youtu.be/9fDCOTzR1fU Instructions from Video: Select Insert>Stairs/Ramps or select the Stairs icon. The catalog has a variety of stair styles and widths ready to insert. Let’s first insert a straight stair and review the information on that...

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3 Ways to Insert a Floor (Video)

3 Ways to Insert a Floor (Video)

There are 3 different methods to insert a floor in Envisioneer. Floor by Room will find the enclosing walls in a space and place a floor within that room. Floors by Perimeter will find the exterior walls in a building a place a floor inside the entire interior of the...

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Convert Framing to Members (Video)

Convert Framing to Members (Video)

When you insert a floor the floor can can consist of the flooring material, floor sheathing and the floor joists. By editing a floor you can determine the thickness of the materials it has specified, if any and the framing materials, spans and directions. All of these...

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