
Instructions from Video:

When you use the Kitchen Builder Wizard to create a Kitchen design, there are Kitchen Themes that you can select. Did you know that you can create your own Kitchen Theme to include in this list? This will allow you to create a kitchen based on cabinets and layouts that you use regularly quickly and easily.

Select File > Catalogs > Library Manager.

Under Libraries pull-down menu, select the Kitchen Configuration option.

Select Edit > Add Configuration.

First, give the new configuration a name. Under the Elements section, you will need to choose an element for each option. These are the elements that will be used to create your kitchen design. So if you want a different style cabinet or different color cabinet option you will need to add them to the catalog. Once you have the elements selected you can click OK  to save and close the Library Manager.

Select Insert > Design Wizards > Kitchen Builder.

Following the prompts until you reach the Theme page where you will see your new kitchen configuration, ready to be used!