You can hide the visibility of walls in your 2D floorplans and printed worksheets by adjusting the properties of the wall components. This ensures the walls remain invisible where needed, providing a cleaner and more focused presentation.
- Select the wall you want to remove from your 2D Plan view, right-click, and select Properties.
- Under the Wall Properties Basic tab, select the Component Layout button.
- On the left side of the Component Layout dialog, you will see a list of all the components used to make up that wall. In the middle of the dialog, you will see all the properties for those components. Select the Interior Finish option, and then under properties, look for the Plan and Section option. Uncheck the Display option here. This will turn off the display of the wall in both your plan view and your section views.
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all the components that are listed on the left side of the dialog box.
- Once all the components have the 2D Visibility turned off, you can select the OK button to close the Component Layout dialog and then the OK button to close the Wall Properties dialog.
The edited wall will no longer be visible in a 2D Plan View in model space. However, you can hover over where the wall is and still select it for editing.
Since this wall is no longer visible in your 2D Plan Views, the visibility will also be off when you add a SmartView to a worksheet.
If you need to cut through this wall with a section line, you can turn the display back on by editing the wall properties before inserting a section view of that area.