When nesting Plateaus, the goal is to not have them overlap. Extremely difficult to do when you can’t see the active definitions when creating a new one or modifiying an existing one.
Hi Diane,
What I do is nest circles in an upper corner of the terrain (out side of it). They are on an angle each further away from the other.
I then start my first Plateau in number 1, creating the layout needed. Shown with red lines in image.
Then I go to next circle , define, make sure to ‘end’ horizontally back to the same circle, thus outside the first.
When I get to an area where two lines are close, I can highlight the line by just clicking on midpoint of circle. Activate the circle tool and make a small circle where nodes may get close to one another when next line is drawn.
Most times I highlight a line by clicking on circle associated and mentally note where the line falls in relation to the visible line. That is normally just above the line but on occasion slightly lower.
That is the best solution I’ve come up with because lines are invisible.
Invisible lines and needing mental notes: that’s why this is on the Wish List. 🙂 I created a Trace image with the initial definitions to avoid overlaps.
Hi Diane,
If you have imported image and draw a dimension line, you can see the dimension text but not the lines associated with it.
If you draw a line or circle etc using the line tools , they show ‘on top’ of the imported image.
I am guessing here, but believe the type of line requried for both the dimension and the terrian tool are the same, neither are visible. Why, I have no idea but they cannot be the same as the lines you use as Trace Image, the red lines in my image.
What really has me confused is that the line associated with the wall tool do show ‘over’ an imported image. So, why not dims and terrain lines ?
I just used the Snipping Tool to create a jpg and edited that with Paint to create my planned Plateau definitions. Imported that as a Trace and then used the Plateau tool to create them. Worked well enough for creation, but mods would be a pain.
Don’t know if I’d go to all of this trouble if I were drawing more than a single site, but I’m just a homeowner using the software to document existing stuff as well as for future designs.
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