Walls Crash on join
Version 17.0.C2.3484
My system
Processor Intel(R) Xeon(R) w3-2423 2.11 GHz
Installed RAM 64.0 GB (63.6 GB usable)
48963 MB Total Memory
Primary usage is Material Estimating
Since V17
Since installing V17 Crashing on wall intersections has become a real issue.
Most common on exterior envelope drawing clockwise. Less likely if drawn counterclockwise.
Very sensitive when connecting a 2×4 Interior wall to a 2×6 Exterior with an interior corner.
Direction that interior walls are drawn often times how well the will connect or crash.
Once the job crashes many corners break from a previous clean connection.
the attachments are examples of wall connections after a crash. Note the corner trim even moved.
Interested in your experiences and work arounds
I commented this in response to another user’s issues. Best of luck.
I have the same issues & have been told the same thing. I’ve noticed this issue pops up more particularly when designing 2×6 to 2×4 walls. When I set them up, they snap just fine at the beginning, but then along the way they will unsnap themselves & cause issues, such as unexpected crashing. I just re-experienced this issue today when some of the first walls that were drawn randomly unsnapped & became so difficult that even trying to delete the “problem” walls resulted in a crash. Had to finagle with them quite a bit to resolve this issue, which then lead to more intersections separating & having to essentially rebuild every intersection.
The only recommendation I can make is to just check everything along the way & save frequently, as I’m not sure what exactly causes this. Once you get a problem area resolved, I would also save another back-up, in case any intersections become so corrupted the file becomes no longer salvageable.
Thanks for the response. I have taken all my walls and made them a consistent width regardless of the underlying member (2×4, 2×6 etc.) This has make it much easier to work with and reduced the crashes 90%. since I am estimating and not drawing for presentation the wall thickness really isn’t an issue. Really seems to have stopped the random unexplained wall separations as you mentioned. Its not a fix. It does reduce the frustrations. I like the idea in the path Cadsoft is taking but so much needs fixed. Remember the good ol days when you draw a wall?
Allan Reetz
Version 17.0.C2.3484
Intel(R) Xeon(R) w3-2423 2.11 GHz 64.0 GB
NVIDIA RTX A4000 48G Ram
Projects Drawn in Envisioneer to Date 4392
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