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V17 C2 Crashing

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  • #17214
    jjoyceJeffrey Joyce

    V17 C2 is Crashing randomly, seemingly related to rapid movement while extending a wall.  I am running Windows 11 on an AMD 7950X with 128 Gb of memory ASUS MB E870X  with a 4070 Ti Super 16Gb graphics card.  It is disconcerting to have to save after every operation.  Any Suggestions.

    Envisioneer just blanks out to the operating system.  Everything else stays running as normal.



    You can use this link to download and install the latest driver for you AMD 7950X video card:

    jjoyceJeffrey Joyce

    I have now been able to duplicate the crash criteria.  When I edit a complex wall intersection especially with walls on angles, the edit attempt to move or extend the wall crashes EV17 C2.  The computer continues to run as well as other programs EV17 restarts normally.  Some wall edits will join other walls others seem to remain separate, but on top of each other.



    The issue may be occurring if the software detects walls as overlapping or not connecting properly. To avoid this, ensure that you see the circle with the “X” inside it, which confirms that walls are correctly intersecting. Additionally, double-check that you have <strong data-start=”265″ data-end=”288″>Object Snap (Osnap) and <strong data-start=”293″ data-end=”306″>Snaptrack enabled, along with either <strong data-start=”334″ data-end=”348″>Angle Snap or <strong data-start=”352″ data-end=”366″>Ortho Snap to maintain precision while drawing.

    If it is still crashing can you please share the file with [email protected] so we can take a closer look?



    17 has been an issue for me from the start. I have had some success on the wall connections by making all the wall widths the same regardless of the underlying members being 2×4, 2×6, etc. This has helped. In not a fix. Some connection issues seem to have a something to do with direction drawn. (go figure that)   What ever is happening as the failed connections visible or not become a real issue and begin to crash the program and really slow thing down.

    I will try to post a video clip of the wall direction thing.

    Do you notice the same?

    Allan Reetz
    Version 17.0.C2.3484
    Intel(R) Xeon(R) w3-2423 2.11 GHz 64.0 GB
    NVIDIA RTX A4000 48G Ram
    Projects Drawn in Envisioneer to Date 4371

    • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 5 days ago by areetzareetz.
    • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 5 days ago by areetzareetz.


    I have the same issues & have been told the same thing. I’ve noticed this issue pops up more particularly when designing 2×6 to 2×4 walls. When I set them up, they snap just fine at the beginning, but then along the way they will unsnap themselves & cause issues, such as unexpected crashing. I just re-experienced this issue today when some of the first walls that were drawn randomly unsnapped & became so difficult that even trying to delete the “problem” walls resulted in a crash. Had to finagle with them quite a bit to resolve this issue, which then lead to more intersections separating & having to essentially rebuild every intersection.

    The only recommendation I can make is to just check everything along the way & save frequently, as I’m not sure what exactly causes this. Once you get a problem area resolved, I would also save another back-up, in case any intersections become so corrupted the file becomes no longer salvageable.

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