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TIP – Top View with High Noon Sun

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  • #8341

    FYI TIP – Sun Directly Above

    Using the Sun for Top View Renders is fast and looks good. No need for individual lights. But most settings make it hard to get Sun shadows to look OK. That is because you arent on equator.  If you set Date to March 22 and Location to a city on the equator, the Sun is directly overhead at Noon.

    So simply set Location to Ecuador.

    Play with Time around noon to get a little shadow but still see down into the rooms. 










    Birds eye view conveys so much


    What have you been up to Merv? 
    I am swamped here. Busiest in years. Everything from large new homes, to remodeling to experimental to can you help me I need a permit jobs. 
    I can’t figure out where all the ‘old’ users went? And hardly any new users posting. 
    You are about the only one keeping things alive here. Thanks for that.


    G’day Jack!
    I have a mate in OC CA who would attribute it all to the Donald.
    Bill left Oz in 1988 to make his fortune – calls himself outbackoz
    He’s now convinced the only colour in the rainbow is RED!
    (dunno why I’ve had no response from him since the mid-terms  )
    btw, “old” is a 4 letter word here; I prefer the term “mature”


    I would say since the early 2000 years, ‘Help Wanted’ signs have gotten smaller each year around the midwest. With almost none around the last Pres. term. Since Pres. Trump, the signs first started appearing, then got moved closer to the streets and now are banners bigger than car dealers have.
    My Grand kids at 14 and 15 applied for burger flipping job one day and were told to report to work the next day. Putting in hours after school and weekends. They don’t need to work, they just want to. Nice to see.
    Most contractors around have stopped bidding last month. They already are booked through the winter. 
    But yet, news is only full of ‘bad news’. Go figure.
    My reference to ‘old’ wasnt releated to age but to the regular uses that were on the old forum. 
    I sure miss seeing what everyone is up to. 
    That is why I started the ‘Tips’ posts. My way of being active. 
    Thanks for being one of the ‘mature’ users, still around. 


    Hey MERV and JACK, (as the two biggest question answering people)

    Sometimes when my computer is doing a VR or renders I go back and read old community post or watch training videos to pick up any tidbits and tips I can find and stash them away for future use I came across this post and decided I want to comment on it:

    And say thank-you to the “mature users” on being here and helping us out, lending a hand (not because you have to but because you want to.)

    And to anyone else out there that is new take time sometime and  look at these old post the 3D tips and also all the drawing tips, if you just take the time there’s a good bit of your questions that can be answered on here by just looking. I know time is short sometimes and you’re pushed for time to get your next project out the door and you think I don’t have time to go back and look but do and you’ll fine some valuable tips .

    Thanks again



    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by conweconwe.
Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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