How to do skybox background foe ENV?
G’day Robert!
I’ve played around with them a bit. I find that there’s a limitation in that should it be necessary to change the orientation of the model on the site, the designer has to return to site, take new photos & create a new skybox. Envisioneer really needs to be able to adjust the skybox with respect to the model. If the client wishes to rotate the proposal (25 degrees, say, to capture a view in preference to the prevailing breezes) or the designer needs to avoid a rocky outcrop, the user should be able to use the same skybox & rotate it acordingly. Manipulating images or panoramas can be soooo time-consuming!
Here are some links:
Image Composite Editor from MS but Photosynth has been shut down
Also Nick has provided:
I’m still trying to figure how to do a steep site for a pole home design . .
Another extreme example where original proposal extended almost from boundary to boundary (already had a relaxation to build to the west alignment) but client wanted a much larger Music Room so it all had to be reconfigured in an L-shape. Entire model had to be rotated 90 degrees.
And here’s another one:!/content/13616
My 1st comment is “awaiting moderation” so I’ll chop it up & hope you get the context.
G’day Robert! I’ve played around with them a bit. I find that there’s a limitation in that should it be necessary to change the orientation of the model on the site, the designer has to return to site, take new photos & create a new skybox. Envisioneer really needs to be able to adjust the skybox with respect to the model. If the client wishes to rotate the proposal (25 degrees, say, to capture a view in preference to the prevailing breezes) or the designer needs to avoid a rocky outcrop, the user should be able to use the same skybox & rotate it acordingly. Manipulating images or panoramas can be soooo time-consuming! Here are some links:
Image Composite Editor from MS but Photosynth has been shut down
Also Nick has provided: I’m still trying to figure how to do a steep site for a pole home design . . hth Merv
Seems I’m moderated if I include 2 hyperlinks
Image Composite Editor from MS
but Photosynth has been shut down
Also Nick has provided:
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