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  • #6272

    When creating my roof, the walls are set to adjust to roof, once I convert roof to surface,

    in order to make adjustments, the walls no longer adjust to the roof line.


    If you have to convert a roof to individual surfaces, it’s preferable to leave that until the design is “set in concrete”



    If you convert a roof to surfaces and the walls underneath are set to “Automatically Extend” they should change as the roof surface above them is adjusted with the “Define Surface” options. The roof, in individual surfaces, is recognized by the walls and they will move accordingly.

    Reasons they wouldn’t:

     – The walls is underneath two overlapping roof surfaces and it is automatically adjusting to the one that you haven’t adjusted.

     – The wall isn’t set to “Automatically Extend” in the “Top and Bottom” tab of the Wall or it is but you don’t have the “Exterior Wall Tops to Roof” or the “Interior Wall Tops to Roof” checked or a value in that option.

    Watch the video link for more information.



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