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Linear Light Source II

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  • #13927

    Edit Reply to SDS comment…

    Wow, Chief sure has great lights hey. Two of them. A Spot and a Point. How advanced.

    If you want a rope light in Chief, just keep adding low lumen spots every few inches. My or My , what a brilliant solution.

    I see no mention of ies lighting .

    And is it really true that Chief requires a wall to add a wall light. Hey, you can always make the wall invisible and then add the light. Brilliant again.

    As for me, a simple column , member with Emissive setting , or better yet a wall set to 1″ x 1″ that allows you to curve the light strip is good enough for most clients to understand what is being suggesting.




    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by jkzimmjkzimm.
    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by jkzimmjkzimm.

    Here is a LED light system.

    Florescent set to 10 ft long, custom Point light set to 200 lumens.

    Center is 5′ that is first Point light. Down from there to end at -4’/-3’/-2’/-1′ and 0/

    Up from there 6/7/8/9/10′  . each an ‘add new’ 200Lum Point.

    Just add as many of the 10′ strips as you need, spacing one foot apart because lights start at the end.

    Brightness setting is at 24 in this sample.

    Because the lights are very low lumen at 200 and brightness is at a very low 24 setting this render at 5/4 quality took less than 3 minutes.

    Add to Library for future use.





    did a search on CA forum for former envisioneer user that use CA now found 2. So no i don’t think they switched.

    Great stuff Jack,

    Do you think that would work to light up the bottom of a stair tread that hangs out over.




    Hi Conrad,

    This method only works when you have a ‘light cove’ or molding that ‘covers’ the tube light.

    When under a stair tread overhang, you see the light and get individual points of light instead of a continuous light.

    If you think about it , both fluorescent and neon lights are illuminating a gas, particles in the ‘air’. Like a flashlight in fog.

    I will try a narrow beam spot light , inside a solid member with the member set to semi transparent. If the beam can be narrow enough to shine down the member and illuminate it, that may work under stairs.

    With Point lights, a larger area is illuminated, so it starts to fill the ceiling, and that isn’t good on a stair.




    Yeah that makes perfect sense, And Thanks on that tip about the LED light system it’s pretty cool. I think I’m gonna experiment with it on a basement wet bar / Game room area.



    Conrad , anyone else.

    Here is the bld of the LED 10′ tube light I made.  I did this is v14 and when imported to v15 all was intact including the settings for the 10′ light .

    The only other new item is a cove that I made from members that runs around perimeter and then the 10′ tube lights are nested within the cove.

    You should be able to go to File / Catalogs / Save Element to Catalog and click on one of the tube lights (they are Green in plan view.) If you want you can do the same for the Cove Member.

    Please let me know how opening / saving to catalog works for you.

    Let me know your Render times, should be just over 3 min including the first 44 sec calculating lighting. My computer is 5 yrs old now, so it would be nice to get times other computers take.




    ok will do Jack looking forward to doing it to. only i see that i have to download the c3 patch first was busy trying to get a doctors house done but then i want to do that. look forward to trying this lighting out. and will post my render times to. What were your render setting at.



    1024 x 768 for size

    Raytrace Level 4

    Anti-alasing 5

    I never use Level 5, it over triples render times.




    That’s pretty nifty, I’m working on creating a tube light now (since you showed me how it’s done:))and then i want to put it under a vanity counter and see how it looks.

    But great  job and an even bigger thanks for sharing it with us.

    Below is my render time. I just got a new custom built computer designed specifically for this type of work about 4 months ago and i really like it. Will  include system specs in case it would interest someone.

    system specs
    CPU: threadripper 3960X (24c/48t at 3.9ghz)
    RAM: 128Gb (4x32Gb quad channel 2666mhz)
    graphics : Nvidia Geforce RTX 2070 Super
    SSD: 1TB samsing 970 Evo
    PSU: 1000w EVGA G3



    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by conweconwe.
    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by conweconwe.

    Great Conrad,

    Thanks for testing.  Thanks for specs, I have to upgrade.


    Did you by chance save the Light Tube from the bld.?  Did that retain all settings and create a light source under the Default section of your light options?


    In looking at the SDS post of CArch. I see they have added another set of pop up boxes to achieve the rope lights. One of the main complaints I’ve heard about them is the constant  pop ups occurring to do most anything.

    I’ve always said that in Envisioneer ‘Right Click is your Friend’.

    <hr />

    Anyhow, all that is see from CArch is that they are placing point lights onto a moveable object. Nothing wrong with that.

    But in Envisioneer, instead of going though all the work to make a rope light, buy attaching the Point lights to the Tube Light, and all the various spacing and Z dims I added.

    JUST make one point light. Elevated as needed and do an Array copy of it. If spacing needs to be adjusted, Delete all but one and do Array again. All the other settings , like Intensity, Lums, color and be quickly changed by selecting ONE, then all Similar, make change , done.



    Yes i did save that light into the catalog and it worked great . It also added your specific Bulb light to the fluorescent  Lights folder.

    And yes i think that would be much quicker.

    And if you’d be interested i can share my quote for the exact specs on my computer if you want it.



    Thanks for the specs offer,  if not too hard to post, i’d like to take a look.

    I’m running Nvidia Geforce GTX 770.

    32 GB Ram.

    1/2 TB SSD  / 3.50 ghz  i7….  best I could afford 4-5 yrs ago.

    Local company has made all mine and they said I could bring it in and they would check it out / quote price on more Ram / new Graphics card.  My guess is for the speed increase vs cost I would get , it would be wise to just buy new.  But I have to check cost vs payback.

    Computers always seem out of date 6 months after buying them.  🙂


    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by jkzimmjkzimm.


    Yes buy one and it’s kinda out of date before year is over (if it goes that long). They come out with new graphics cards and better processors every year. The list is not real big with the specs. Reason I went with this one is i can install additional RAM up to 250GB. But bear in mind that computer have kinda gone through the roof since last year due to Covid i guess. Graphics Cards hard to get ahold of.

    This the full Processor: AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3960X 24-Core Processor (48 virtual) (X64)

    And it says 3.8 GHZ but it runs at over 4.0GHZ

    I put my price quote on so you could get an idea, (was custom built by a local computer shop) I thought it was actually a very reasonable price for the machine it is. Very happy with it, i worked on a laptop before this and it doesn’t compare to what i have now.




    G’day Conrad!
    Are your 2x 24″ screens in portrait mode with desktop stretched across both?

    better get back on topic now . . .

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by FynrDzynrFynrDzynr.
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