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How to move entire model across landscape?

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  • #17338

    I’d like to move entire model, in order to center it on landscape (or move landscape to center under home).

    Is there a way to do this?

    I tried ‘select all’ then tried to use arrows – failed.

    Right-click has no options to ‘move’.

    I did not see options under landscape to shift it?



    You would need to go to edit>select all>right click>move Or You can use the mouse to make a selection box around the model, then right click>move.

    There may be some elements blocking you from doing the rotate. For example, if your collision snap is turned on and you have sections or elevation markers in the model turned on you may not be able to move.

    **If there is more than one building location and you want to move the entire model:
    Go to settings>document settings>building aids>uncheck select elements on current location only while in plan view



    Excellent! Thank you!

    I tried the select-all, and that approach failed, as before. However, I then tried suggestion of turning off features, such as elevation markers, and most importantly – camera-view-off. The latter seemed to be the offending objects. Once turned off, I could select-all, then right-click-move!

    Schaaahweeeeet! Thanks again.


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