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Hope you got your Google Cardboard!

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  • #14115

    And that your dog didn’t chew it up like mine did. (I have a spare though!)

    Guess this will be the last version with Panoramic View.


    Maybe bring back Stereo Vision with the red/green 3D glasses? For down-and-dirty 3D view, it was pretty hard to beat. Sure, have another, better 3D feature (one that hopefully doesn’t tie up a computer for days like Panoramas!) to show off, but give us Stereo Vision back for quick previews. If it worked with animations–and it works so fast with static views I don’t see why it couldn’t–so much the better.


    Walmart Headset Options

    3d goggles – Walmart.com  

    I can generate 3D Panoramas in less than 18 min (edited from 8),  I take my ‘cheap’ Walmart type Goggles to job site and people can view VR in 3D with cell phone in goggles, on site.

    Or is send link, they it switches from VR Headset to Panorama and you can rotate view on tablet or computer or cell phone, with mouse.



    Much better that red green glasses.


    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by jkzimmjkzimm.
    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by jkzimmjkzimm.

    Yes i really like the panorama’s. It used to take my old laptop like an hour to do the high quality one and now I’m at under 15 min. I’m curious what quality are you on Jack? Great job on the VR you have a touch with your exteriors (and interiors:) but I’m really curious is that a surface that you painted to make it look like water?



    Hi Conrd,

    I’m at about 18 min with quality 4/5.  It depends on the about of gloss involved , if you are too reduce times.

    In previous post 8 should have been 18.

    One thing to note is you can move from calculating GI to Generate Faces when it says Render Complete . I used to wait for up to 8-10 min watching the program make multiple passes after GI , each time the image quality gets better. Then click Step #2 Generate Faces.

    It seems you do not get any clearer ‘Face Generation’ by waiting.

    <hr />


    I always add a floor / surface and then water image to create water. Haven’t spent much time on getting it better.



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