Sometimes it is just nice to be able to take your time, get as much set for rendering and know when enough is enough.
Then spend more time adjusting lights / and correcting some little things while letting other go untouched.
And finally adjusting and re-adjusting the point of view and sun and hit RENDER.
Then do it four or more times , pushing the limit of size and quality and say DONE.
View from M.Bedroom to Open Living area below.
Hope to have it all built by Summer. Rough in is done. Not mine, for a customer.
G’day Jack!
Is that the corresponding elevation on the TV?
Hey Jack,
Great Job beautiful! Just last week i was gonna post on here i would love to see the Lake House render you told me about(during our phone which i really enjoyed and found very helpful thanks again) cause i really wanted to see this house and it was worth the wait.
Kinda curious where does the boat come from?
That is nice. Not just a nice render but I like the design, very cool
Where do you guys find the time for this sort of stuff?
Hi Guys,
I learned most everything from others on the old Forum. Use to be a lot of projects / renders / ideas exchanged. Wish those days would return.
Hey Merv, yes that is Lakeside Render and lower TV has front Render. Here in Wisconsin , like most lake lots, you are packed in like sardines. So the lot is narrow only 75′ and of course you also have to deal with high water issues. But I was able to get 10′ ceilings on all floors, including the basement. And I think a pretty good design with the road and setbacks forcing one to specific configurations.
Hi Conrad and SDs … the boat is from 3D Warehouse. I’m posting the latest Elevations too for you 🙂 As for time , I’ve been at this particular job for over one year. jeesh…. owner has to see every detail and that is where Envisioneer comes in so handy. More like and as built design.
Split Garages are because of setback caused by angle of roadway.
Lakeside GRoom is open to second floor / as seen in M Bed Render. 22′ High.
thanks for the comments.
Actually this is LakeSide …. with spiral stair include.
Hey Jack,
Love them good job on the exterior renders also.
And i back you up that would be very interesting if people would start posting there projects on here. And will do that with a project i’m just starting on it’s a Huge summer vacation cabin in the mountains. But i have a long way to go with this one so it will be a while yet.
And reading new and old posts that Jack and Merv said about the old Forum makes me wish i could see it to.
Hey i was also wondering do you have separate file for the interiors and the exteriors or do you put everything in one file?
Hi Conrad,
The old forum was buzzing everyday. People from Europe, Australia, and US. Some brand new, some long time users. Tons of questions, great answers , wonderful work arounds. It was a pleasure. Just don’t know what happened to all of them.
I still have most everything in one bld file, but my computer is almost 5 yrs old now and struggles at times with this project in particular.
I did delete and work on certain areas in separate file . Because we can now ‘copy’ and ‘insert’ from bld to bld, it did work out OK. I didn’t have to redo all that I did in the separate simpler files. So that was good.
But now I want to do an animated walk through and either need all in one or do editing in Camtasia.
I guess it just depends on how powerful you computer is.
Looking forward to seeing your current project.
Hi Jack,
Wow i wish i could see that, that would have been very interesting makes me wish i could go back and look at all of it.
I got a new very powerful custom built computer. And the processing power is way beyond what i used to have but there’s one thing that still happens which concerns me, I’m still having a problem that when i have a project (like the two below) where i need to have different terrain options and i use the SPOT TIN Terrain, my computer crashes it does not happen until i put a fill (like mulch or conc. pavement or a thick patio slab. so i basically know it has something to do with the fill. does this happen to anyone else when you use the TIN TERRAIN?
My recollection of the old forum was that I never had so many problems logging on as I do with this one! And, yes, that it was much more vibrant.
So what happened to this mythical Utopian forum you speak of?
Did the people all get in a spaceship and flee planetary destruction or what?
Hey Jack,
I was wondering If you would share your walk-through with us to? i would really like to see that.
You don’t have to if you don’t want to.
So what happened to this mythical Utopian forum you speak of? Did the people all get in a spaceship and flee planetary destruction or what?
When other forums using SMF were hacked due to a vulnerability it was deemed too risky.
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