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Full Exterior Interior Animation

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  • #14813

    All modeling done in Envisioneer, exported as skp file and imported into Realtime Landscape program for animation paths and you tube upload.

    There are some ‘tricks’ that I’ve developed to get materials working well, especially window glass. Any changes in model requires one go back into Envisioneer, make changes and reproduce skp file. But skp file export and import can be done in less than 15 min, once the change is made.


    This was based on needs of a local builder to have model for pre completion sale.




    Wow Great Job Jack!

    That one took some time but I’d say you hit a homerun that time 🙂

    Would you mind sharing your tip on window glass?



    Hi Conrad,

    I assign a odd color to all the windows in Envisioneer using paint brush.  Yellow in this case.

    I put the model on it’s own layer and when clicked it shows in top right picture pane. Click the down ‘carrot’ and select ‘Edit Materials’ . Now take pen and paper and start drilling down through all the materials noting ones you may want to adjust. When you get to Yellow, in this case #8 material, click down ‘carrot’ and this time click Picture, then in options go to Accessiories and assign glass 1 tga  (in the attached I show # 9 selected and chrome tga as the new material…… that was what I used for the mirrors which I had ‘Blue’ in Envisioneer. (Edit- I see I did show material #8 as Glass,,,, #9 was the mirrors set to chrome using the same method.

    The colors assigned in Envisioneer are only to help find the right material in Realtime.

    Assign color in Envisioneer, click model – materials- locate and change to Glass or Chrome or ????


    I also take a Modeling – Cylinder and place them high above ceilings / roofs to mark location of both Camera Path start point and Lights that are rotated ‘down’ , so I can easily find their location.

    Path location to Second Floor sample is attached.

    Location of one light and settings attached.

    Once you get use to it you find the copy and paste or duplicate option makes things go pretty fast.



    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by jkzimmjkzimm.

    Thanks Jack I’m gonna have to play around with that, as soon as i get time.

    I always wondered how i can make it so that some of the layers can be changed on the model after i import it.


    The Model , skp file is one unit on import, so no layer ability there.

    What you can do is put a marker on a corner of the building, import foundation, 1st,2nd floors, even the roof seperately as skp files. Those could all be on seperate layers and control visiblity that way.  Now that I think about it, that may be a good way at times to make placing lights easier. Just have to properly elevate each floor and roof.


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