I finally got the sky to be blue from inside view.
2.You must have Physically Accurate box checked. Sun and Sky set to Custom.
3. You MUST Lower Exposure to around 0.75.
4. You MUST Reduce Sun Power to 0.02 min
5. You Must increase Sky Saturation to 1.00 max
6. You have to play with Sky power and it is sensitive. Too high = white , too low = gray or black. 0.70 worked this time
You have no choice to pick your own background.
Once you have these items set, add your interior lights. You will have to boost their Brightness percent (at times to over 5000 ) to overcome the Suns brightness.
Adjust time of day to get light into room. Changing this to no interior light, may change these settings… ???
You also have to lower the brightness of your Grass/ sometimes to 0.40 down from 0.80 default.
You have to go to Settings > Document Settings > Terrain and on bottom right click Select > click on the Grass Texture image and then lower Texture Intensity. Try 0.40
All may look dark or black when you start a render but once sun is starting to get turned on, things outside brighten up real fast.
Thanks Jack. I recently used the ‘background on outside wall’ trick for the first time…putting a nature/background image on a large wall located outside windows and it worked out really well too.
Thanks for posting!
Glad to here the background work for you SDS.
I am reposting my notes on the test I did on lighting in v15. It is better to be here than under the ‘best image’ posting.
I tested with v15 using Recessed lights that by default have the ‘bulb’ Z setting down 2 3/8″. In the past I had it lower.
The test turned out exactly like the posted ‘which to you like best’ renders. I get no ceiling hotspot and very nice ‘soft’ light cast on walls (if far enough away)
Using Physically Accurate Lighting or having it turned off, made little difference in the light results. The room is simple and all test I did with lights / sun brightness, cloudy or sunny / or custom, shine on floor or not…. all were with in 45 seconds to finish of each other.
I used to use Recessed lights all the time, I think I’m going back to them.
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