Hey Al,
Being from Oconto area, maybe you know about the Oconto Cruiser.
I have a 16′ – ’56’ Oconto Cruiser Lapstrake , which I have fun fishing from on SE WI lakes and just showing it off.
You shouldn’t have i just love to fish now your giving me the itch to go and it’s the middle of winter:)
Yes it is the middle of winter…… and that is why the family , young and old (like me) are going Ice Fishing Saturday.
Balmy 26 deg…. I can’t wait.
Nephew and nice one from 2019 attached.
Wow that is a nice one!
Yes i did a little ice fishing years ago and loved it. But I’m in a wheelchair and it just doesn’t work the best for me. But quite a few of my friends really like it, and are really hoping this warm winter cycle breaks here in PA so they can get back out there.
That church video you made, how did you get the interior lighting to work? my Envisioneer lighting does not work once it’s imported into Realtime.
Hi Conrad.
I turn lights off when I generate the skp file for import to Real Time…. unless I want to just see them.
Then I add lights from Realtime. They don’t really have Interior Lights, but do have ones that allow you do shine in various directions so I use what they have.
In order to see the lights “ON” , you have to set the time of day to ‘Night’ or Sunset / Sunrise. They automatically go on.
When I walk in the Churches portico door, you see the scene turning ‘yellow’. that is the point that I change from Day / to Night time setting and the lights come on. You do end up with that Yellow ambient light through the whole interior walkthrough, but at least the lights are on.
Thanks Jack,
Ok that’s the first mistake i made by not turning it to night. but when i try attaching a light to my envisioneer house it just says: this light needs to be attached to a house. and most of the lights won’t work but i have to check it out, maybe i was doing something else wrong.
Try the ground lighting options. Or Post Lights.
Thanks Jack,
I will give that a try.
Hey Jack,
Can i bother you with one more Video question.
What is wrong when you do a video on your envisioneer project and it looks like the osb roofing sheeting flashing through the metal roof?
G’day Conrad!
I’d suggest roof & OSB are coplanar. The OSB has to be lower than the roof surface just as in reality. Did you include the OSB thickness + metal roof thickness in the overall roof thickness? (as well as the supporting structure thickness eg rafters/trusses)
Hi Merv,
Good thought but no it’s not that. Wondering if it’s a problem with Realtime. Cause it’s not a problem if the cameras is close to the roof. But if you can’t come close to to all the roofs, example like a long warehouse. The roof just shimmers and looks like OSB shining through at places.
Hi Conrad,
Merv is right, my solution is to assign the roofing material to the underside of the roof too.
There are also times when looking from one direction everything is good and from another the surface is invisible. Happens in parts of roofs looking up from below.
Happens with columns as you walk around them.
Thanks Jack,
Well Merv you’re right after all. reason i said no is because i had the tried setting the roof thickness to 8″ and then putting in 2×4 rafters and that should even have given it extra space (was just on a quick test project) and it still happened. I did a quick test with the bottom side of roof painted to red metal and that worked.
Thanks Guys!
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