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5-sided window

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  • #13054

    Please refer to the attached photo.

    I’ve modeled the 2 trapezoidal windows.

    How do I model the one in the middle, with 5 sides?

    Using ProArchitect 2. If ProArchitect 15 solves it, that’s all I need to know; will be upgrading as soon as they make it available for download.



    I guess I didn’t attach the pic after all…trying again.



    Hello JRV,

    I do not have the answer and as far as I know you can’t do that. but one thing you can do is create a 5sided window, is by using 2 arch niches and changing them to trapezoid and moving them together (make sure you paint the center to glass). it does not look bad on a straight shot but on a angled version it does not work. attached are two pics on how it looks. don’t know if that helps.



    That’s pretty clever, Conrad. Will have to give that a try. Thanks!



    You can import any shape that you want for a window.

    Select Insert>Windows

    In the catalog panel, right-click and select “Add Element”

    In the Define Element dialog box, select “Custom Block” and click OK.

    In the Open dialog box, import a skp, dwg, 3ds window that you have created, any shape any size.

    Once you import it, it will function as a window and cut the appropriate hole in the wall.


    Hello Chantale,

    Wasn’t my question but that is much better than the way i was doing it. wasn’t aware of that option

    Thanks Conrad


    Well, yes and no, Conrad. There’s an argument to be made for modeling this within ProArchitect, I think.

    Chantale, in Pro Architect 2.0, there is no “Custom Block” to click. I’m guessing that’s replaced “Select…” in the “Imported Element” group on the Basic tab in today’s product.

    Regardless, I’d rather model it in ProArchitect. Finding the right object on the Internet takes longer than specifying a few parametrics. Yes, you can find almost anything on the Internet if you have enough time–although so far, I haven’t found it. I don’t have access to any other 3D software to create it and I wouldn’t have time to learn it even if I did. I’m a casual user who jumps back in to Envisioneer/ProArchitect every 5-7 years when I have a project, upgrades and does the best he can with the tools he has. All I need is a 5-sided version of the Trapezoidal Window that already exists in the Catalog!

    Further, even if I found the perfect window, my few experiments with imported objects have not ended well. I generally end up with something that’s invisible and disappears when placed in a model. Perhaps because I’m using ProArchitect 2 and today’s oldest available Sketchup file formats are not supported by PA2. Will try again when PA15 ships, which I’m told is this month. (I know I can use v14 in the interim but don’t want to invest in that upgrade just to upgrade again to v15 a short time later.)

    I’ve used Conrad’s suggestion and am done with it for now. Fortunately, it’s not actually visible from the room I’m remodeling; the light that comes through it is…but no one but us forum dwellers will know it’s not correct. (So let’s keep it between us!)

    Until I get around to remodeling that room or the exterior, that is. By which time maybe I can import from elsewhere. Or ProArchitect 27 will allow me to model or import it. But it will become much more important then.

    Or I’ll just use a rectangular window or Conrad’s hack, and call it a day.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by JRVJRV.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by JRVJRV.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by JRVJRV.
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