Adding/Editing/Deleting 3D Cameras

Video: Transcript: Envisioneer’s 3D cameras let you view your designs in stunning 3D detail. Two cameras are available by default: the 3D Perspective Camera and the Overview Camera. You can easily add new cameras, customize the...

2D Cut Height

Video: Transcript: The 2D Cut Height setting under Building Locations determines the height above the floor that your floor plan is viewed on each location. The height depends on the amount of detail needed and the height...

View Filter Templates

Video: Instructions from Video: In Envisioneer you can add a variety of elements to create your 3D BIM model, however, you may not always need all of these elements visible at the same time. In the View Filter you can turn specific...

Base Height & Head Height

Base height Video: Instructions from the Video: If you have the Commander turned on, it will display a Base Height edit box as soon as an insertion tool becomes active. The value shown in the Base Height edit box is the height at which the...

Layers in Model View

Video: Instructions from Video: As a BIM model is created, each element in the model has stored settings that affect how the element will appear when it is flattened to a 2D drawing for working drawing purposes. For this tooltip we will...