Wow,,,,, took me 3 tries to get signed in to Post.
Was able to type topic neader but unable to type anything in for question / response.
Had to go to Edit to type what you are seeing now.
This form isn’t any good.
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Question is …. when in sheet mode and need to resize rectangle made using the Draw tools, has anyone had any luck resizing?
The only way I can see to resize is to grab a corner node and move it individually. This makes it almost impossible to resize with 90 degree corners as the snap track option doesn’t work.
I end up deleting and creating a new rectangle.
Anyone of the people left on the form have a solution.
ButCan’t see what I’m writing but that tool has been on the nose as long as I can remember. Obviously I never use itnnonononononooooo
This editor has definitely started Christmas holidays early – still tng blind
Yea This community’s signing in problem is enough to give a hibernating bear nightmare’s and keep him awake.
(I think it would be really nice if Cadsoft would give this thing an update so it works correct, A lot of people prolly gave up trying)
That’s interesting Jack because my SNAPTRACK works and then you can just snap all corners together to make sure they’re all good.
But i will say this i know it’s a faulty tool because one time it works and the next time it doesn’t. It’s that touchy that if Snaptrack doesn’t work you can draw a new rectangle just beside it and get one of those corners one the new one to snap, then you can go back to your old rectangle and usually that one starts snapping as well. Hope that helps.
Hey Merv, Maybe they’re just trying to teach how to not look at your keyboard while typing 🙂
After 30 nyears its time to give up!
Thought it might have been a problem with my browser so I tried EDGE – half a dozen failures to even login so I’ll try again next year . . .
It’s Really weird EDGE is the only browser that used to work for me. Now Firefox is the browser that works for me. But i need to login when I’m on the community Home Page because if i try and login from a topic tab i can never get in.
I seem to have luck signing in if I sign in, get rerouted back to community and it asks me to sign in.
Then close out of Edge. Reopen, come to form and it says Hi Jack…… to which I reply…..don’t say that at the airport.
Typing blind too Merv… what I tried was to open a Text Document, Type, then copy and paste response in Repy on the form.
I can’t see what I pasted until I hit Submit.
Just a thought, maybe they should change the word Submit to Post. I am getting tired of Submitting.
Thanks Conrad,
That works! Even if you just use the line tool to activate snap track with the rectangle tool.
Once I add another rectangle or a line, all snap track points are activated on the original retangle.
This is only needed in sheet view, in model the whole side of a rectangle moves OK.
Just an update guys i made contact with the guys at cadsoft.
And they are working to fix this login problem he thinks he found it now:)
Nathan told me he thinks he fixed it. Including your typing blind problem.
I could login last night and again this morning no problem,
But he said he said I’m suppose to shoot him a email if anyone has problems so let me know if it works or doesn’t work for you.
Good enough Jack! The rectangle tool is just kinda faulty which is why i rarely use it.
Merry Christmas to all you guys:)
Very belated thanks.
Reset my password & I’m back . . .
I thought you guys must still be having a Christmas/new year party😀
Lets just say the parties were a little different thanks to COVID paranoia
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