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Interior night renderings?

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  • #13211

    Since upgrading to ProArchitect 15, I’ve been unable to do interior renderings without daylight. Or kinda-sorta daylight.

    My Scene Properties are below (Screenshot 2020-11-03 222638.png).

    Before rendering, the sky is black (Before render.png).

    After render, interior lighting looks about right, but windows are totally white (After render.png). Must be a REALLY full moon.

    In Pro Architect 2, this didn’t happen; it looked like it was dark out.

    What am I missing?


    Here’s what the help file sez–

    Night Shots
    To create a night shot, you need to first set your background to a night scene. Once your background is set, all you need to do is set the time to a time of day when there is no sun.
    OK, did that.
    So, is this a v15 bug?
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by JRVJRV.


    If what the Help file says is really is all I need to do for a night render, it’s a v15 bug.

    Created a brand new v15 model of a trivial building. Before Render.png and After Render.png tell the story. Time was set to midnight.

    I’m thinking this just became a support issue.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by JRVJRV.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by JRVJRV.

    Good Morning Jrv:

    Tried to reply Yest. but couldn’t, starting to think cadsoft does not want me to reply to posts anymore. Here is a night shot of one of my projects, then I’m going to do a render on your BLD. file and point out what’s wrong, a couple of your setting were set wrong which changed the entire render.




    Here is a render of your BLD. i wrote on the setting page what i would adjust. Project 1 (with black sky pic ) got a little brighter than i would have liked it. project2 i used the night sky 1 but that has stars in the sky and i did not take time to figure out why they become like a blurry shining object in the sky and mess up the window so i would recommend using the black sky. also make sure you change the settings to what i have below and try the black sky pic but here’s a tip you can render faster in rendered outline mode but it does not work if you want the lights and the night effect to show up. forgot to add the only reason you’re window is white is because of the 3d pic you tried to make out of a 2d pic.

    On my previous post with my nighttime render you can actually see the deck floor outside the house due to the fact that i put lights right outside the door so it lights up part of the deck.

    Hope this helps,


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by conweconwe.

    Conrad, thanks for your reply. Below are the settings, and the results (Project1PerConrad) that I got. Still “Blinded by the Light.” (Apologies to my fellow New Jersey-ite, The Boss.) (And revealing my age.)

    Honestly, I don’t see much difference between my first and second renders, except that I brightened up the first to override the ‘atmospheric’ darkness I see in most renders from this program. And I do clearly see the can lights illuminated in my first render, regardless of incorrect Display Mode. In the past, Display Mode hasn’t affected 3D TrueView, but maybe it does now.

    Could you post Project2.bld so I can render it and see if I get the same results? Because the settings might be correct, but clearly didn’t make a dark window!

    BTW, I’m betting when you couldn’t reply, you were told you needed to log on. And you tried, and you were probably already logged on, and it didn’t make any difference. Or you logged on and it didn’t make any difference. Been there, done that, a BUNCH of times since I got active again on this board, with minor variations. Reported it to support a couple times too. It comes and goes. Sound about right?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by JRVJRV.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by JRVJRV.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by JRVJRV.


    Here you go attached along with it is a night sky pic that i imported into my catalog to use, it goes good with a exterior render or i think so. i attached a render to show you how it looks on my end with project 2 bld. when i first opened your file and rendered a pic the window was white just like yours but after i had adjusted the settings it went away, but sometimes software gets a notion to do something else and its hard to figure out. let me know if this works, if it doesn’t I’ll go back and open the original file again and try to see if something else is messed up. might get a little time to play around with  it this wknd.

    Yup sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t.




    I had different results. With Project2.bld, if I chose ANY bitmap background, I got white windows. Including the one you provided. If I chose “Black Sky”–which is not a bitmap but just the color black–the window was black. I tried 4 or 5 bitmap backgrounds with the same result.

    Curious to see what the situation used to be in the olden dayes, I fired up Pro Architect 2 and re-created Project1.bld. Tried several bitmaps, all with the same result: A bright white window. Then tried solid color black…and got a bright white window then, too.


    So I went back to my v2 model of my house, set the background to “Night Sky 1” bitmap…and got a black window.

    Hmmm again.

    So you’re correct when you say it’s random, Conrad.

    And I’m correct when I say it’s a bug. And evidently a bug that goes back several years. In v2, I was just lucky that with my particular model the bitmap background behaved properly where it does not with v15.

    I submitted a ticket on the 4th; maybe I’ll hear something official.

    Meantime, I may have a workaround using “Black Sky”, if it works there the way it did in Project1.bld. I have yet to try it with my “real” model.


    Give this a try,

    Make sure it is night. Dec 22 around midnight is a sure bet.

    Click on Use Physical accurate lighting  up on top of  Scene Properties (right click on drawing area while in 3D to get that option)

    I don’t think you have to do anything else. But you may find lowering sky power / sky saturation / sun power speeds up the rendering.






    Hey Jack, hope you’re well!

    Yep, that worked in Project2.bld and my “real” model.

    What’s funny is I missed AM/PM when I set the time, so my “night” rendering was taken at 11:40AM on 22 Dec! Here in Houston, TX, US, there’s plenty of daylight at that time. I did turn off Enable Sunlight and Enable Sun Shadows. But the window is transparent, the foreground outside is dimly lit and the distant background is black, and there’s no daylighting in the room. So maybe time of day is irrelevant; extinguishing the sun is what really matters.

    Whatever. At least the window isn’t retina-searing white, and I have a way to do night renderings, as long as it works consistently, unlike everything I’ve tried to date.

    If “Use physically accurate lighting” is the One True Answer for nighttime renderings, Cadsoft must update their Help text, quoted previously.

    And with that said, a blazing white window in a rendering with a night background and time set to nighttime hours is not even a minimally reasonable approximation of “physically accurate lighting” when said option is turned off. The program sometimes gets it right, sometimes doesn’t. And the difference between them is, one might say, “night and day”.

    The way the Help file describes it makes sense, and your method does as well. None of the other solutions presented do–they may work, at least sometimes–but are far from obvious. Just random attempts that have anecdotally been found to work. Sometimes.

    Cadsoft, please share: What should the Help text really say?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by JRVJRV.

    Hi JRV,

    Doing OK here.


    The reason turning off the Sun made Physically Accurate setting work (be black) is that your 11:30 am has sun. If you hit the down arrows to 6 or 5 am you should be able to leave sun on as it isn’t up yet.


    Attached is a sample of what happens here at 8:00 AM.  The sun is just coming up (to right of image) and turning the sky red / orange.

    On the floor you can see slight ‘blue’ reflections at the windows. That is sky power and saturation setting (both about in middle of setting) with Sun Power almost off.

    If I went to 8:15 or so, the sky would be almost all red / orange until time goes by and it is staring to turn blue. Late afternoon it becomes yellow.

    No if you enable Sun Light it begins changing colors in room, mainly yellows. If you add Enable sun-shadows, then you can see the sunlight shining on the floor. Walls. But that takes adjustment of all the above settings , plus the Sun Direction arrow and of course time of day, early or late , to get it cast on the floor.

    The 9:45 shows the sky turning blue and reflection on floor is more pronounced. There is just a small sun shine patch on back right wall near window. Didn’t have Direction Arrow turned right or time right to get it to fall on the floor.

    You can also see my invisible point floor lamp fixtures (2) only base is on, must have power decreased or increase based on time of day. One is set to 5000 the other 1000x.


    You should have AM PM , just right of last time number. Click there and see if it appears. or if just AM , click on hour and up / down arrows until you get to nightime.




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