Experimenting with animation. Now with ProArchitect 15, but saw the same in ProArchitect 2.
It appears the elevation of the Target is the elevation of the object directly under the point of the target. If you’d like the target to be the otherwise vacant center of a room as you circle around it, looking in all directions, the elevation tends to be the floor. That makes for a distracting and useless animation.
I don’t see a way to set the elevation of the target. What I’d like to do is keep the target at the same elevation as the camera.
Is there a way to do that?
Now not sure that I’m right about how target elevation is determined. I inserted a little teeny floor, a couple inches on a side, elevated to camera height, in the middle of the room. Pointed the camera Target at it. The camera still looks at the floor underneath as if the teeny floor wasn’t there.
The question remains…can I control the Target elevation?
Hello JRV,
I’m not a expert on these animation as i don’t use them, I wish Envisioneer would upgrade it, cause currently in like going across a very bumpy service not clear and a very large file when you’re done with it. But i think what you are looking for is under the camera properties, so after you inserted path select it> and then right click select properties and adjust the view angle (see pic attached) i think that should work. Or if you want the camera i think you do that by going to>Tools>Animation>Elevate Control Point then you have to click on every camera point and elevate it to where you want it and then adjust your view angle mentioned above.
Could somebody from envisioneer PLEASE comment on the following. I know it’s just sounds like a dream but how does this sound for a future upgrade Version 16. I dream about it quite regularly.
A much improved video option with the option of having some moving plants and trees. You can even dream farther and add some birds, butterflies and whatever else you would want to add. i know it’s possible cause some other software does it. I just thought it would be perfectly lovely, cause if you export the envisioneer file the lights won’t be on in the interior house when you do the video in an other software. Just a thought.
Thanks, Conrad, but when you change the Properties of a Node (or of the Target), you’re changing the Properties of the entire Path, from the Camera to the last Node.
The View Angle changes the Camera’s lens from “normal” to “wide angle” or “telephoto”. And, again, does so for the entire Path.
Good Morning JRV,
You are right that does not work, try this i think this should do it.
Select the the animation path hover your cursor over the target> then hold down your left mouse button that will pop up an input option in the bottom left hand side of your screen > push the TAB button on your keyboard twice, to go from option X then Y to Z ( or by just moving your cursor down off the paper still holding the left mouse button and then once you’re off paper do a left click on the measurement in the Z box)> the Z option is your target elevation height. then after you type in your desired height you have to hit ENTER on your key board to lock it in. I think that should work, sorry to lead you down the wrong path last time.
Conrad, I have added your request to the wishlist for development. I can’t promise anything. It would need to be reviewed by the development team to see what adding that functionality would entail and how long it would take.
Thank you for the suggestions, keep them coming, we need to know what you want.
Perfect…thanks Conrad!
Conrad, you’re right about the quality of the output…blurry and a big file. Of the half-dozen compression algorithms offered by v15, only 2 actually work. The remainder tell me to choose another. I’m guessing it’s because I don’t have those codecs. The 2 that work produce weird “jittering” effects at edges that are near-horizontal or near-vertical. Sort of like moving jaggies.
I have a Windows store app called Animotica that is very capable but very inexpensive. With it, I can sharpen the image so it approximates what you see in the Envisioneer preview window, compress it, and slow it down so it doesn’t look like I’m running through the house. You can also add effects like fade-in, fade-out, add music, etc. Much like Adobe Premiere Pro but MUCH less expensive, with a much slicker UI.
I’ve found that the uncompressed AVI file v15 generates doesn’t preview properly in Animotica. I see a few seconds, then it goes black. But if I save the file from Animotica and open the new copy, it previews normally, and then I can edit it. Some weird incompatibility.
I shouldn’t have to buy another program to get a usable animation, however. Pro Architect doesn’t need to have all the special effects stuff that Animotica has (though basic fade-in/fade-out would be nice), but it should produce a presentable, sharp, compressed video without additional software.
I’d hope raytracing would produce a sharp image…but it would probably take a month for the computer to finish! I have not tried it for that reason.
Thanks Chantale appreciate it.
Hello JRV,
Yeah i agree, i actually use Realtime Landscape Architect for my exterior videos, i think they look really good but the problem is that the lights you put in using the envisioneer software it will not show them then when you’re using the (RLA) to make the video. Its no problem for the exterior but i just think the interiors would look better with lighting. And yea i wanted to do a ray trace video sometime but the only thing is, it would only work if i would be going on a LONG vacation, cause it takes forever.
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