I can’t seem to respond to early post about windows / vents in a gable and having them not show in plan view.
What you need to do is NOT use extend to gable for the lower wall.
What you need to do is in the Roof option choose Wall from the Display Gable option and a Wall type.
Then go to 3D view, click on the Gable wall and Right Click > Properties then select ‘Invisible in 2D’
While you are in that walls properties also turn off sills / under Trim tab. When you add a window / vent these items stay on even though Wall is invisible.
Now you can insert your windows / vent BUT you are inserting them on the floor the roof rest on and in that floors Building Locations the window height is most likely set to 6′-8″ and window disappears when you try to elevate it into the gable.
Simply change the Building Location Head Height to the height you need in the gable, it automatically inserts at that height and when you reset to 6’8″ all is good to go.
1 No extend to roof use Roof properties Wall option.
2 In 3D select wall/ properties / select invisible in 2D / turn of sills in Trim
3 In building locations set new head height / insert opening /
Wa La —- the invisible wall and window magic trick.
Good morning Jack,
Thanks for the tips. now i would like to ask another question. I used the gable wall in this project but the problem is i have a cathedral ceiling in my kitchen and also in the living room behind it and when i use the gable wall (look at pic 2) it looks great on the outside but inside the wall goes through my kitchen, and the only way i can figure it out is to delete the wall but then the sun shines in around the edges, any suggestions on where i’m going wrong or what a person should do here.
Thanks Conrad
That is an excellent work-around, using the header height, and it certainly works for those occasions where the software isn’t having a bad day.
However, the case in point that I had posted was one of those situations where using the ‘roof options’ to display the gable as a wall, or surface and it wouldn’t project up to the peak of the gable…for whatever reason the program decides to randomly do this, it’s quite common, even on simple gables.
So the only option that would actually extend the wall to the peak and fill in the gable, allowing me to locate windows in it, was the ‘extend to roof’ type of gable. I had already tried the ‘display as wall’ and ‘surface’ methods but it refused to extend more than a foot or so up. My only option was to use the ‘extend wall to roof’ approach.
Hence my post regarding ‘invisible in 2d’ walls…because almost always, the ‘extend to roof’ variety of gables are also critical 2d plan walls, but gable openings typically are not shown in plan views and so it becomes a problem.
This is the core problem with this software and gables, as common as they are. Rather than functional gable code we have to devise a whole slew of ‘work-arounds’ and ‘magic tricks’ to make the program do what it should already do, but doesn’t. And each ‘work-around’ has it’s own unique flaws that sometimes force you to have to resort to a less favorable ‘work-around’ for the situation.
Gables are probably my single most frustrating aspect of the software, but then I ran Mitek for 10 years too…
Good morning Jack,
Thanks for the tips. now i would like to ask another question. I used the gable wall in this project but the problem is i have a cathedral ceiling in my kitchen and also in the living room behind it and when i use the gable wall (look at pic 2) it looks great on the outside but inside the wall goes through my kitchen, and the only way i can figure it out is to delete the wall but then the sun shines in around the edges, any suggestions on where i’m going wrong or what a person should do here.
Thanks Conrad
Split the gable wall at it’s peak, then slope the bottoms of each wall up to the center, at the same slope as your ceiling.
Of course…if you also need to locate an exterior gable vent/window under the peak of the roof in that wall, you won’t be able to because you can’t locate an opening in the split of a wall.
I have not seen the issue with walls NOT filling to top of gable. Could you post bld of a simple sample?
I have seen gable fill issues when one roof prevents fill when conflicting with another roof , usually on a different floor. But either using the ‘ignore’ setting in roofs or a overhang conflict workaround has fixed those issues.
Hey thanks yes I was going to put in a gable vent but I decided the quickest way around this might be to do a save as and create a file for both. I was not aware of the fact that you can break a gable wall and do a bottom slope thanks again.
I have not seen the issue with walls NOT filling to top of gable. Could you post bld of a simple sample?
I have seen gable fill issues when one roof prevents fill when conflicting with another roof , usually on a different floor. But either using the ‘ignore’ setting in roofs or a overhang conflict workaround has fixed those issues.
I’ve attached a pic of a ‘before & after’ gable with this issue. This is a very common issue I encounter, and it occurs on any type of gable…wall, surface or extended, and in various gable conditions. I’ve never been able to isolate what causes it…seems very random. I can’t ‘make’ it occur…
btw…this is in v13 though I’ve had this issue in v12 and the previous hgtv variation I started on
It looks like the gabled room is out in front of main house walls. It looks like the main house walls to the left are slightly recessed from the wall where the surface is used.
Try pulling the main wall back from the gable wall and let me know if the gable end fills.
I was able to get mine to fill and then bring the main wall back into position , but as soon as the overhang on the recess falls ‘in front’ of the gable end wall, the surface doesn’t fill.
It is the overhangs on the ‘offsets’ that cause the issue. If you had a flush wall, you can put in a break and pull the right section of roof outward, then add surface.
It will fill IF you pull the line of the roof gable so it is out front of the overhang to the left.
Yes, its the adjacent overhang conflicting somehow. I can pull the roof gable out from the wall and it will fill to the peak, but moving the wall below it has no effect.
Essentially, the gable ‘surface’ has to reside at a point beyond the adjacent roof’s overhang length before the ‘surface’ will reliably extend to the peak. This becomes quite dicey when dealing with in-line gables such as in my example pic where the gable is in line with the wall where the adjacent roof bears.
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