Envisioneer’s 3D cameras let you view your designs in stunning 3D detail. Two cameras are available by default: the 3D Perspective Camera and the Overview Camera. You can easily add new cameras, customize the settings of existing ones, or remove cameras you no longer need.
First, let’s add a new camera to our design.
- Select View > 3D Cameras > Place New Camera or by selecting the drop-down option beside the 3D Cameras button and then selecting Place New Camera.
We now need to position our new camera where we would like it to be placed.
- Left-click in your design to position the camera.
- Move your mouse in the direction you would like to view your design; this displays the target. Left-click again when you have the camera positioned where it is needed.
This adds the camera, and we can now see our created view. On the right side, the catalog has been replaced with a Camera Properties panel. This panel allows us to edit the camera’s properties, from its name to its position within the design.
- Click in the Name section and enter a name for the camera view. If you do not edit the name, the default names will be used, such as Camera 1, Camera 2, etc., which makes it challenging to remember which room the camera was in. Give the camera a logical name to easily see what it references.
- Camera Height allows you to adjust the height of the camera.
- Target Height allows you to adjust the height of your view target point. Changing the target height can increase or decrease the steepness of the viewing angle.
- View Angle refers to your field of vision. It works like a camera lens: higher values produce a wide-angle view; lower values produce a close-up view.
- In the View Map section, click and drag the camera grip in the view map window to change your viewpoint. To change the view’s target, click and drag the target grip.
You can perform these steps on any camera within your design even after it has been inserted. Select the camera from the list of available cameras and then adjust the properties.
The cameras’ visibility is turned off by default, so before we can select a camera to remove, we will need to turn it on.
- Select View > Viewing Aids > Cameras On/Off or select the drop-down option beside the Cameras On/Off button and then select Cameras On/Off. You can now see all the 3D Cameras in both 2D Plan Views and your 3D Views.
- Select the camera you want to remove and then press Delete on your keyboard.
We recommend turning the cameras’ visibility off, as they will appear in your SmartViews when inserted into a Work Sheet and in your 3D Views when rendering.